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In September 2000, 189 world leaders met upon the declaration of the millennium. A new worldwide involvement was set up to limit extreme poverty and reach social development and human rights achievements. It is those eight objectives (The Millennium Development Objectives), quantifiable and centered around human development, which have been designed with 2015 as a deadline achievement. Since then, the MDOs have become an increasing priority in the development agenda. However world leaders are conscious of the necessity to convert thoughts in actions. In 2008, at mid-way of the process, the results are far from being satisfactory. In spite of the efforts deployed on a worldwide basis, the gap between development levels is deepened and poverty continues to strike increasingly in some developing countries. The MDOs has mainly relied on the goodwill of developed countries, disposed to help third-world nations. The world crisis could unfortunately slow down those efforts. We believe that it will require a new order based on direct contribution of economic actors to save the situation, and a close collaboration between economic forces. Added to the targeted plagues, we have to considered environmental issues, the ageing of the western populations, illegal immigration, financial crisis and so forth. HN’s response to all those fundamental issues is an internationalization of all business opportunities. The goal of the IBN is to enable its members to consolidate skills and acquire others. The credibility of the HN’s members, their expertise and the relevance of theirs actions represent the core of this group, as the benchmark international network.


The Network is :

Philanthropists in action,

experts sharing same objectives,

major decision makers willing  to serve,

philanthropists who    combine their efforts,

Influential people working for the common good,

some bosses that want to share the worlds of business,

some authors of success internationally who decide to serve,

International and successful stakeholders sharing their experience,

a team of friends and contacts that gives you a competitive advantage,

the Promotion, Prevention, Innovation serving brilliant ideas of tomorrow.



Being member of HN is:

Daring to invent the future,

opening doors  all othr   the world,

contributing to the development of business,

willing to improve the quality of life of communities,

Dreaming, taking actions,   developing  and prospering,

willing to act as a catalyst   of potential business worldwide,

willing to contribute to the reputation and economic development,

contribute to the reputation and business development on innovative bases,

Making the promotion,  the prevention,  innovation  of key  ideas for the future,

introducing financial , social, human and environmental responsibilities the businesses.



The success of INEWCORP in getting outstanding deals all other the world is based on it network, that the company widen on a continuous basis. By now, the company can rely on its representatives and successfully develop project with government in many parts of he world.
INEWCORP Inc. Has a network  some representatives in Africa (West, South, Central, North and East Africa), In Asia, In Europe and America. Their role is to identify viable projects and send the information to the head office in Canada. The representatives are chosen among the people close to decision makers so they can conduct immediately and effectively productive negotiation on behalf of INEWCORP Inc., and its partners.
The representatives of INEWCORP constitute  the company's main asset, especialy for Africa and Asia.
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